Quarantine diet plan

Usually,in our busy life we are unable to take care of our diet.which has a very bad effect on our health.but  today,to stop corona virus,there has been lock down in the whole world.and if you are adhering to it,then you should take advantage of your time and work to improve the health deteriorating from bad diet for years.Good nutrition is essential for health,particularly in times when our immune system might need to fight back.for this,you don't need anything special.you have to add nutrients to your diet for good health.therefore a nutritious and balanced diet should be consumed,which contains all nutritional elements like vitamins,protein,iron,calcium.how to manage such diet.many people worried about it.

WHO has developed specific guidelines for periods of quarantine.in this they has told about such diet and foods,which will make your immune system during the course of quarantine.you should include foods with high fib in your diet.like brown pasta,brown rice,fruits and vegetables,fiber keeps your digestive system healthy.according to WHO,you should stay hydrate during quarantine.for this you should consume plenty of water and juice.you should consume healthy drinks instead of soda or cold drinks.

in the quarantine plan,WHO advised not to eat those things which are processed and in which the amount of sugar and salt is very high.alcohol should not be included in your diet.  

some general tips are as follows

use fresh ingredients

use fresh ingredients and those that have a shorter life.if fresh ingredients,specially fruits,vegetables and reduced fat dairy products are available,prioritize them.to avoid food waste,you may consider freezing any leftovers for another meal.

Eat home cooked food

During busy daily life,many people do not have the time to cook food at home.now you have lots of time to make those recipes you previously did not have time to make.many healthy and tasty recipes can be found online.

Take these precaution while cooking food

  • make regular cleaning of cooking utensils and kitchen.make food by washing your hands.
  • keep raw food and cooked food separately in the fridge.
  • keep the frozen food and cooked foods either below 5 °C or above 60°C.
  • use clean water to cook and wash the food items.

Limit salt intake- 

The availability of fresh foods may decrease and it may therefore become necessary to rely more on frozen or processed foods.many of these food contain high levels of salt.WHO recommends consuming less than 5 g of salt per day.in order to achieve this,prioritize foods with reduced or no added salt.be aware that pickled foods such often contain high levels of sodium too.

Limit sugar intake- 

WHO recommends that ideally less than 5% of total energy intake for adults should come from free sugars.if you crave something sweet,fresh fruit should always be the priority and dried fruits with no added sugar are also good options.when other dessert options are chosen,ensure that they are low in sugar and consume small portions. 

Limit fat intake-

WHO recommends limiting total fat intake to less than 30% of total energy intake,of which no more than 10% should come from saturated fat.to achieve this,opt for cooking methods that require less or no fat,such as steaming and grilling instead of frying foods.if needed,use small amount of olive or sunflower oil to cook food.prefer foods that contain healthy sources of unsaturated fats,such as fish and nuts.reduce foods such as red and fatty meats,butter and full-fat dairy products,palm oil and coconut oil. 

Consume enough fiber-  

fiber contributes to a healthy digestive system and offers a prolonged feeling of fullness,which helps prevent overeating.to ensure an adequate fiber intake,aim to include vegetables,fruit,pulses and wholegrain foods in all meals.

 Stay hydrated- 

good hydration is crucial for optimal health.whenever available ans safe for consumption,tap water is the healthiest and cheapest drink.it is also the most sustainable,as it produces no waste,compared to bottles water.avoid drinking large amount of strong coffee,strong tea and soft drinks,energy drinks.these may lead to dehydration and can negatively impact your sleeping pattern

Avoid alcohol-

Alcohol is not only a mind-altering and dependence-producing substance,harmful at any level consumed,but it also weakens the immune system.thus,alcohol use and especially heavy use undermines your body's ability to cope with infectious disease,including COVID-19.

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  1. It really blows my mind. After reading this I would definitely like to change my diet .


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